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Angel Investor

Be an Angel Investor at ORM

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We Keep our strategy, tactics, numbers, and stories in alignment. We use a bare-bones streamlined business plan as the storyboard and make sure the summary memo, pitch deck, and main stories all match.

We like to Be a line, not a dot. Keep up with investors and show them progress over time. Nothing adds credibility like milestones met. We Don't promise traction; We demonstrate it."

We impress you when we demonstrate a proven revenue stream before asking for capital. This shows we have made a realistic assessment of the total addressable market (TAM) that we can capture.

One of the things we make sure when requesting an investment (in addition to the obvious question of can it make money) is a sense of financial responsibility from the founders. There's a tendency when using other people's money to fritter it away. For example, you may recall that the founder of GoDaddy spent $90 on a conference table, and he said it works just as well as a $10,000 conference table. We like to see a sense of responsibility when it comes to the environment, which dovetails with the idea of spending less money."

We believe that all businesses require more than just money to succeed. They require close mentoring and inputs on strategy as well as execution.

For us it comes down to "Intrapersonal Communication." Every start-up has a great idea usually born by a "visionary" that's going to create wealth. What follows next are projections and marketing plans—every start-up has them of course. So what's going to separate "US" from all the rest? Our investors will be swayed by people who can communicate and demonstrate to them as to why they should share their passion and motivation to get involved.

I'm impressed when entrepreneurs know their numbers inside and out and are realistic about their valuations. I also am attracted to companies who can tell me how they'll be successful if they never get the next round of funding."

We offer our investors the following considerations:


Benefits those are unique in characteristic and an added value to our investor's money.

The potential for a solid return

All investors invest with the expectation of doing more than just getting their money back. We fulfil their expectation with a good return on their investment.

A good reason to invest

We acknowledge that investors are or have been successful entrepreneurs. They enjoy the thrill of helping to build and create a thriving enterprise. We fulfil their excitement of creating something new by application of sound knowledge.

A solid management team

A solid, complete management team with leadership ability is our strength. Essentially an investor is investing in people. Our business is in the hands of people who are knowledgeable, competent and trustworthy – and possess the skills to lead the business to the next level.

A business structured for investment

A formal agreement which lays out the nature of their investment and the return is treated as a necessity for starting a relationship.

The opportunity to be actively involved

We encourage active participation of our investors in developing our business.


We provide regular updates once a month to all of our investors.


We are dedicated to responding to the needs of each of our Investors.


A transparent system is maintained by our team which is open-ended and Proven to manage all avenues of business.

A viable exit strategy

While we encourage investors to be patient and willing to make long-term investments, the prospective investor will be given information on how they're going to reap the return on their investment and a time-frame set.


Most importantly, we are committed to constantly empowering the organization and our ANGEL INVESTOR.....

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